Middle and Long distance races
Middle and Long distance races
Middle and Long distance races are prominent among athletic
events. Participating in such events requires huge level endurance.
1. Middle distance running events: 800nm, 150Om, 3000m,
races are considered middle distance events
2. Long distance running Events: 5000m, 10000m, Cross
country races, Half Marathon (21.098m), Marathon (42.195m)
races are considered long distance events.

Start Of the race:
All the events in Middle and Long distance running are usually
started in a group. Because the number of participants in such events is higher than the number of lanes and the rule does not insist on running in respective lanes. Starts of such events require a curve  in the track. It is also called diagonal axis. Straight lines are
marked in all other situations.

Rules of the competition:
1. All the events are run in groups.
2.Heats are made if there are large numbers of participants
in the track events. Specific number of selected athletes
from each heat takes part in the final race.
3. If the competitors are more than twelve, two groups can be
made and race can be started simultaneously.

Start of the race:
The starter starts the event with the command "On your mark' in track events covering distance more than 400 meters. This command will be followed by firing of gun or command by the starter. There is no 'set' command in these races. Competitors are not allowed to touch or cross the starting line Or any space beyond the starting line by hand or by leg during 'on
your mark' command.

Lap Scorers:
The referees nominate enough number lap scorers for events
covering more than 1500mts. They are provided with lap scoring
sheets. A maximum of 4 participants are allotted to each lap
scorer as per their availability. They record the laps completed by
each participant allotted to them.

Finishing of the race:
The result of the competition is declared by the judges at the
finish. Judges at the finish operate from finishing stand which is
placed inside the track in line with the finish line 5 meters away
from the first lane. All the Judges operate from and decide upon the order of finish.The places are allotted to the participants in the order in which their torso or chest crosses the inner edge of finishing line.

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