Introduction: Basketball can be played by everyone indoors as well as outdoors. Apart from playing it for competition, the me is also played for recreation. Certain rules are to be followed while playing it for competition. In all other circumstances certain modiffications to the basic rules can be made. The game is played between two teams of 5 players each in a rectangular court. The main objective of the game is to score a point by shooting an inflated ball through a ring mounted 3.05 meters above and parallel to the ground. Both the attackers and the defenders attempt to score as many as points by using the skills like shooting, passing, dribbling, and rebounding.

History: The teacher of Y M CA, spring field Dr. James A Naismith invented the game of basketball during December 1891 He structured the game as a response to the direction given by Dr. Luther Gullick, Director of Physical Education department at Y M CA. The objective was to structure an indoor game similar to football which kept the students in good Physical during extreme winter season.
Dr. Naismith wrote the basic rules of Basketball game by keeping in view the rough walls of Gymnasium. Accordingly, basket of peach fruit was fixed to the wall at a height of 10 feet. In the year 1906 metal hoops and back boards were used instead of basket. This facilitated retrieval of the ball after a point was Scored each time. Gradually many changes were adapted and the presently prevailing ring and net used in order to make the ball pass through the basket freely. Initially the game was played with a soccer ball. During 1950 the present orange color ball was invented and visibility was enhanced. The team that scored highest number of baskets was considered winner.
Dr. Naismith initially doubted the success of the game invented. The game was named as Basketball'. A formal match was played for the first time in 1892 at YMCA Gymnasium hall. The match was played between two tear ms of 9 players each by following certain prevailing rules which ended with a score of 1-0. The basket Was to be scored from a distance of 25 feet and the court was half the size of present one.
In 1938 a National Level invitational inter collegiate Basketball tournament was organized for the first time in America. The 
National Collegiate Athletic association (NCAA)
competitions started during this time. The top most professional 
organization of the game, National Basketball Association (NBA)
was established in America during 1946. Basket ball was included
wee in 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Court description: 
Basketball court
Basketball court
The Basketball court specified by FIBA should be rectangular in shape as shown in the figure. Important lines are mentioned in the picture All lines should be 5 cms in width. A basket should be formed by attaching a ring to a backboard at both ends of the court and mounted at both ends. At all levels of competition the height of the ring should be 3.05 meters from the ground and it should be projected 1.20m inside the court from the end lines. The details of backboard and basket are mentioned in the picture.
Basketball court
The ball should be spherical and made of leathe or other synthetic materials. To check the air pressure within the ball it should be dropped from a height of 1.80 meters and the lower edge of the ball should bounce to a height betwwe 1.20 meters to 1.40 meters. The measurement differs for both men and women and is given as below.

The length and width of the back board should be 1.80 m and 1.05
m respectively. It should either be of a transparent material or painted white. The lines on the back board should be clearly visible and 5 cm in width. A rectangle measuring 59 cm horizontally and 45 cms vertically is marked inside the backboard. Among other equipments stop watches, foul indicators, arrow marks, score sheets and score sheets are essential.

General Rules: Basket ball game is played between two teams of 5 players each. There are no restrictions for substitution of players but it has to be accomplished when the game has temporarily stopped. There shall be 7 substitutes for this purpose in each team. The main aim of the game is to put the ball into opponent's basket (metal ring with net) and to prevent the opponents from putting the ball into own basket. The half of the called front court and the other half of the court is which their defending  court in which their scoring basket is situated is basket is situated is called back court.
To advance with the ball, one should either pass the ball or dribble the ball as many times with one hand at a time. Basic skills like foot work, holding the ball, dribbling, shooting, passing, 
rebounding, movement without ball and with are used by the
players during play.
Total duration of the match shall be 40 minutes and it is divided into 4 periods of 10 minutes each. There shall be 15 minutes rest interval during half time and during all other intervals a rest interval of 2 minutes is permitted. If the match ends with a tie at the end of the stipulated time, an extra time of 5 minutes is played to decide the winner of the match. This process of playing for 5 minutes continues till the tie is broken. Teams should change
their playing ends after the half time Each team gets two charged time outs of 1 min in first half and three such time outs in second half.
A field goal scored from the three point field goal area fetches 3 points, all other field goals fetch 2 points and a free throw is worth 1 point. The clock stops at the time of violation of rules and fouls made by the players.
Violations: Dribbling the ball simultaneously with two hands,
moving more than one step while holding the ball, dribbling the ball after the end of a dribble, deliberate use of legs for controlling
the ball, carrying the ball, staying more than 3 consecutive seconds in the restricted area, 3 seconds violation, 8 seconds violation and 24 second violations are prominent.

Fouls: Each player of the team has the opportunity to do 5 personal fouls. Such fouls are registered against the player committing foul. After the completion of 5th foul the player is disqualified from the match. Holding, pushing, charging are included in fouls. The fifth.foul by a team in each quarte is penalised by 2 free throws to opponents.

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